U/X Review

Enterprise User Experience Package

Your customers deserve the best User Experience possible. Let Wexford help with a full Customer Journey Review.

The U/X You Need

Our Enterprise Packages are designed to help you Scale Your Business.

The U/X Review is designed to map the current User Experience compared to our recommened Customer Journey.


Get the insight you need into your business with reports on Heat Mapping, Financials, Web Traffic, and Conversion Analysis.

Unique Reports

No two businesses are the same so neither are our reports. We customize our reports to fit your business model and customer journey.

How this package stacks up

Analytics Review | Detailed Report
User Experience Update | New U/X Map
Discovery Call | Let's Chat!
New Product & Service Ideas | Upgrade Package
Brand Extension Ideas | Upgrade Package

"A good user experience isn't neccessarily that far removed from a poor user experience. It can be small, subtle differences that can have a huge impact."
— Nathanael Boehm

Customer Journey Map

  • Detailed Map of Journey
  • New Experience Suggestions

Data Analysis

  • Qualitative Data Review
  • Quantitative Data Analysis

Strategic Advice

  • Advice Informed by Data
  • Tactical U/X Changes

Package Comparison Chart

Comparison chart of entrepreneurial growth and financial packages

Package Comparison Chart

What Happens Next?

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