About Us

Wexford Entrepreneurial Partners
is a team of consultants
geared to help businesses grow.
We are entrepreneurial professionals delivering holistic consulting and strategy implementation.

The Story
Upon learning that Falconry is an actual thing and in fact an historic sport, Andrew and his wife decided to partake in the Falconry activity offered by Ashford Castle during their honeymoon trip to Ireland.
Wexford so happened to be the name of the falcon. His real photo is below, not a stock image!
You may be thinking, “So the name of your company is just that of a bird from an interesting activity that you did? … Cool story bro. “ Not quite. As with most things we do, there is a double meaning to Wexford.

Falcons are strategic hunters.
They differ from other birds of prey in that they consciously conserve their energy by systematically targeting their next move before deftly transitioning to a new location in order to better position themselves for a strike.
When ready, they swoop down with accuracy and precision to claim their prize.
P.S. Fun fact: Falcons only take 6 weeks to train. They are quite smart.
Long Story Short...
Strategic "Hunting" Philosophy